Earwax Check & Removal

We use curette and suction as needed to gently remove your wax. After your ear clearing, we’ll provide you with instructions for home maintenance so you don’t plug up again.
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Expert, Gentle Removal

We clear wax out of people’s ears all day long. That experience has taught us a lot about effective removal over the years. During your consult, we will determine if you have wax in your ears and the safest most effective removal technique for your individual needs - this may involve more than one session depending on your impaction. We use curette and suction as needed to gently remove your wax. After your ear clearing, we’ll provide you with instructions for home maintenance so you don’t plug up again.

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Get in touch

Our friendly team would love to hear from you.

Phone Number

(720) 457-1763

Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8:00am-5:00pm
Friday: 8:30am-2:30pm