Published on
May 28, 2019

Can you hear but simply cannot understand?

Sometimes this has to do with an undiagnosed change in hearing but other times it is related to poor communication skills. Often times it is caused by both a hearing loss and years of poor communication habits.
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Sometimes this has to do with an undiagnosed change in hearing but other times it is related to poor communication skills. Often times it is caused by both a hearing loss and years of poor communication habits. At the METHOD, we want to help you communicate better no matter what the underlying cause of your clarity problem is. That is why we use a Communication Needs Assessment, in conjunction with a hearing test, to really dive into the frustrations you are experiencing. We work with you and your frequent communication partners to develop the most comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals.


  • Rating how well you feel you communicate in day to day activities
  • Setting your personal communication goals and expectations
  • Measuring your individual discomfort levels to loud sounds
  • Examining your speech understanding in noise abilities
  • Evaluating your finger and hand abilities to manipulate small objects, as needed
  • Screening your vision, as needed
  • Determining your need for a communication plan, hearing aids, cochlear implants, assistive listening devices, group rehabilitation workshops, or medical referrals
  • Discussing your financial considerations when hearing aids are recommended


Written by
Reviewed by
Dr. Julie Link
Founder & Audiologist
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Dr. Link was inspired to create The Audiology METHOD by the comments and suggestions made to her over the years by the patients she serves. While she loves working with patients of all ages, Dr. Link realized early in her career that busy working adults were a severely underserved population.